Muneer IP Global



Intellectual Property matters are administered by the Industrial Property Office which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce. The following IP laws are applied in Qatar:

Emiri Decree No. 53 of 2009 establishing the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights (2009). Decree Law No. 30 for the year 2006 To Issue Patents Law (2006). Intellectual property legislation includes Law No. 9 of 2002 on Trademarks, Geographical Indications and Industrial Design Law, and law No. 7 of 2002 on Protection of Copyright and Related Rights.

Affiliation (Bodies):


World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Trade Organization (WTO), Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Affiliation (Conventions):


Paris Convention, Berne Convention, Nairobi Treaty, WIPO Copyright Treaty, WIPO Performances & Phonograms Treaty, GCC Patent Law, Patent Cooperation Treaty.